To save Money! It might sound strange that hiring a designer to work on your home would save you money, but we actually do help you save money. Working with a designer will help you avoid costly mistakes that can negatively affect the value of your home, or avoid purchasing the wrong items, while making educated selections for your individual style.
A designer will give you a professional assessment of your project and propose an executable solution. An organized process is key to take action on any situation. This will help you spend your investment more efficiently. As designers we offer an extra set of fresh eyes to the situation, we notice and point out things you might not.
A designer can keep the project on budget while saving you time and labor. Designers know where to go to specify resources related to each project. This will save you hours and hours of researching brands, products and pricing.
A designer will also be team collaborator and translator, between architects, contractors and or installers. Designers will make sure drawings and installation specifications are followed according to the design, and if any "on-site" modifications should appear the designer will help you make the right call for those unexpected situations.
There are manufacturers or providers that are not available to the general public, and by having access to these designers can make your space look more unique and cohesive.
Designers also provide peace of mind because they work with many industry providers, which again can save you money and research time. They work all the time with reliable contractors, plumbers, electricians and installers for their projects.
Designers are trained professionals that will add that wow factor you are looking for and that is so hard to accomplish when you don't do this all the time. Designers are able to listen to your ideas and envision your goals to translate them to reality.
If you are planning to sell, designers can improve your home appeal and have a faster turn-around time.
An interior designer is also a visual story-teller. Interior design is a skill you train for and a beautiful form of art that can enhance the look of a space and the functionality that affects the quality of your life there.
Team up with your designer. This is your home so you should be involved in the decision making process, so the end result reflects you and those who use the space. It is very important to trust the designer to do all the selections, and the client to communicate how they feel about those. For us at Blu Ink Interiors, it is very important to always listen to you and make sure we provide the best solutions based on your style and project requirements.
Meet your designer before you start working together. Make sure your personalities, aesthetics, and working styles are in sync. Trust the process and keep in mind both parties should be comfortable with each other.
Try to collect inspiration ideas beforehand, pictures, Pinterest board, a floor plan of the existing space helps a lot. Share all your ideas or as much information as possible up front. The more you share the better understanding our your style the designer will have to work with.
Be upfront about your budget or how much are you willing to spend. This helps the designer to better source items for your project, instead for working with false expectations. At the end, this will keep client’s expectations as close as possible to reality. For example a dining chair can cost anywhere from $150.00 to $1,500.00 or more. Knowing your budget ahead of time will help save time in selecting the price point on the selected items.
Here are a couple of questions to ask an Interior Designer:
Do you work with a particular design style exclusively?
What style you like or don't like?
How many projects do you work at the same time?
How long do you anticipate the project will take?
When would you be available to start?
What is your process and what do you expect from me?
How do you charge and what does the fee include?
How do you handle issues during the project?
Do you have client references I can check?
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